Wednesday, September 28, 2011

this is my outfit from today.
you are probably by now noticing my obsession with collars. there is something so crips and cleanly chic about a button up shirt. i don't think i will ever get over my crush on them.
so today i am channelling christopher kane and alex wang, rather unsuccessfully i may add, but enough to satisfy my strappy stilleto and fluro colour cravings.

op shop chambray blue shirt, black skirt made by mum, sportsgirl pencil case, urban attitude sunglasses, wittners metallic strappy heels (you can't see them in these pics.- sorry!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

hairy mc clairey

sooooo excited to show you kiddles my freshly baked locks!
this is my first time dappling in hair dye, and i must say i am loooooooovin it!

what do you think?

Monday, September 26, 2011

in which i post my outfit

finally, an outfit post with less than crappy pictures.
today is a study day, so my outfit revcolves around comfort and something which i can crawl around the floor on. somehow i always end up crawling around on the floor on my study days- don't ask why.

so my outfit today consists of...

wrangler denim button down, dinky and slightly indecent knitted shorts from, the even dinkier and indecent mossman and my trust-no-fail docs.

and, no, i have not added some convenient sunny-day lens effect to these photos. the sun has finally decided to rear its head from behind the clouds and serenade our faces in glorious rays. the sun makes me so happy, and fills my head with warm inspiration and images of white flowy dresses with chunky black boots, long wispy hair and streaming balayaged tips- guess whose going to the hair-dresser tomorrow- YAY!

have fun in the sun kiddles.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

grandma's closet

no matter how many times people rant and rave about the fabulouslessness darrrrrrrrrling of these new miu miu currrrrrrvy heeeeeeeelllss, I cannot help but be reminded of those horrid grandma pumps, fashioned out of gawdy suedes and horrific sparkled fabrics. Is no one else noticing the awkwardness of those sloping heels and the way it makes your foot look like it is slipping, like a floppy hairless mole rat, out of the incredibly (i say once again) awkward toe-slots. these shoes are just soo..... awkward.
sorry miu miu, i must confess, i am a hater, and haters gonna hate.

Friday, September 23, 2011

epic inspatron

my mind is bamboozled with deswign-inspiration and info overload after a full day at semi permanent design conference.
the only thing i know for sure right now is that swedish guys are epic, my eyes hurt from all the pretty pictures, and these two outfits are EPIC:

images via wanderlust and oracle fox

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This is what spring and summer is all about.
Bright, bold, fabulously neon hues with tanned skin, minimal make-up and stand-out shades.

I can't wait for the sun to shine!

images via Tommy Ton Street Fashion-

Saturday, September 17, 2011



Alice Euphemia are currently running a competition, which asks alice lovers to create a funky collage out of images from the spring/summer catalogue. Entrants post these beautiful creations on the Alice Euphemia Facebook page and rally up friends to LIKE LIKE LIKE! The person who can muster up the most votes will win a $1000 voucher to spend at Alice, which, is pretty much my fashion fantasy.

I mean my creative juices were literally overflowing with enthusiasm when I flicked through their aforesaid catalog and......
Being a sucker for all things alice, (and in a procrastinating moment trying to avoid my much overdue assignments), I created a collage and entered in this fab competition.

Now, with less than 2 weeks left in the competition, I am feeling the pressure and excitement build. I am currently winning (YAY!) but can feel the other contestants breath, heavy and increasing in volume, gathering behind me!

So, without further floral language and eye-gauging clichés, I ask you, my lovely readers (....awkward because I don't really know if anyone actually reads my posts.....butttt.... never-the-less...) to show some LOVE and LIKE my collage!

Here it is......

This is how you can help:

Head on onto the Alice Euphemia Facebook page and LIKE the page itself.
Then...... you can LIKE my collage, which is in and amongst the other entries in "Fan Photos"

Just follow the links if this sounds too bamboozle-ingly tech-savvy. Don't worry, I myself am still marvelling at the tech-nech-beck-weck wackiness of the internet.

Okay enough chit-chat my lovers......

Friday, September 16, 2011


i saw this and just had to post it right away.

it's a fuuurrrrrrrr-beeeeeeeee!

image via even and odd- only one of the most epic tumblr blogs ev-er!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


this is what is currently running through my mind when i start thinking about what i am going to wear every morning.
it is all about crisp clear white-ness, bright sparks of colour, wispy hair and clean lines.
i have already posted images from the wrangler lookbook, but it has become my fashion bible over the last few weeks, with just about all my outfit inspiration coming from these images. i will never get over the greatness of denim- especially shirts, and the whole white-dress-chunky-boot combo. what i didn't expect to catch my eye was the asymmetrical skirts and zig-zag references.
this alexandra black cuff has been on my 'have to buy' list for over a year now, and i think the time for me to purrr-chase is closing in.
dress-up just released their newest collection- grandiflorum, which pairs high tailoring with luscious leather and button down backs. the softness within the, ironically, hard edged designs is really lovely.
and, as usual, some white freshness from our friend mr a wang. his t-by-a-wang collections are always so crisp and clean. there is something so flawless about these mesh tops and sheer floaty fabrics.

party pals

just some baben pics of my party pals. i have had such a ravin' week!

lol jokes. i wish. can you imagine partying alongside these gorgeous gals? it would be the quintessence of awesomeness.

photos via cobrasnake

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Katy Perry took me to prom

last friday night.... I went to PROM!
okay, so it wasn't a proper an all-american school prom with teenage dirt-bags and floaty angelic dresses, but it was a PROM none-the-less.
cutesy dress maker and lace-lovin lady petrove hosted her first ever 'Lady Petrova Prom' as part of the Melbourne Spring Fashion Festival, and just for kicks, I decided to bump along for the ride.
The lacey-frilled-bows of petrova's designs don't have a usual presence in my, dare-i-say, 'look' (whatever that means), but the gorgeous little corsage with an antique pink rose and lace band definitely made me smile and the epically gorgeous floaty dresses worn by the lanky models went much appreciated by me.
It was a lovely evening of punch drinking, swaying dancing and fashion festivities.

Oh, but what did you wear, I hear you ask?!
I opted for an electric blue collared dress- just floaty enough, yet edgy enough to keep my modernistic standards of dressing alive. The 'mullet' hem, meant that my legs stayed relatively warm and covered while allowing me to walk rather profitantly. I paired the dress with my super comfy jeffrey campbell lita's, skinny black belt, and leopard fur coat (i literally will go no where without my fur-baby!)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

well that's a bit shi[r]t

it seems that everyone is doing their own take on the classic shirt.
people are getting shirty with each other
i say: 'keep your shirt on love'
however, it seems that everyone of these collared cucumbers have been taking off my very back.

oh dear sorry for the shi[r]tt-y humour.

i too am sharing the love and obsession for all things crisp and collared. sheer, drapy fabrics are appearing as highly tailored and beautifully cut shirts, all of which look like they have been taken from hanneli's wardrobe. which bring's me to my next list:

My top 3 shirt-rockin lovers
1. Karl Lagerfeld*
2. Hanneli Mustaparta*
3. Chloë Sevigny*

*Reason being; they all look unbelievably hot under the collar.
Here are some of my fave shirts from net-a-porter
1. dion lee
2. miu miu
3. a wang
4. proenza schouler
5. etro
6. christopher kane
7. the row

Saturday, September 10, 2011

being a rookie isn't such a bad thing

So, over the last few days and nights I have come to a number of realisations (and no, I did not mean to spell that with a zzzzzzzzzzz-ed)

1. trying to be a hardcore, minimalist-dressed rockin-chic is actually much more effort-ful than effort-less.
2. it is okay to wear pale pink glittery eye-shadow, antique rose corsages, miss dior cherie perfume and floaty dress.....every once in a while.
3. it is not okay to wear aforesaid girly outfit with eccentric bows, epileptic fit-worthy glittered dresses and floral headbands ALL the time- this is just lame.
4. people whom i label as lame, are in many cases actually far from lame and, in even more cases, verging on (dare i say) cool.
5. i am a VERY bad judge of character...

6. being a rookie at something is not a bad thing.
7. making an online magazine about being a teenage rookie is damn cool.
8. Tavi is not a rookie. She is a teenage dream! (not to be mistaken with the nail polish by opi)and has actually created aforesaid magazine. (ch-ch-check it out here)

9. being a model would be an epically cool job, for the following reasons:
  • you get to wear AMAH-ZING clothes ALL the time
  • people do epic things to your hair and face and make you look like crazy reptilian monsters and angelic angels from jerusalem.
  • strutting down a catwalk to rockin tunes in new york and paris, while fashion gods like anna winter peer at you over their un-necessary but oh-so-chic sunglasses.
  • you get to wear EPICALLY COOL AND TOTALLY RAD clothes from EPICALLY COOL AND TOTALLY RAD designers whose EPICALLY COOL AND TOTALLY RAD clothes you most likely could never afford.
10. i need to be less shy and more outgoing, less awkward and more cool, like kate moss or erin wasson or the olsen twins.
11. the chances of me being compared or a-liked to any of the aforesaid people is about as likely as me becoming a top model. i.e. fat chance béb
12. aforesaid is a devilishly useful word, and if i haven't already over-used the heck out of it, i should use it more ofter.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

i heart [insert model name here]

I am not ashamed to admit my model crushes on anja, bambi and hanne-gaby.
i think i am beginning to realise that i have a thing for over-bleached hair, dark eye-brows and natural un-touched skin. all three of these gorgeous gals have such a heir of natural-ness and childlike naivety to them, and i am so digging that.

these pics pretty much sum up why i think they are so damn great.

images from a variety of sources- mainly my inspiration folder! i lol at my own creep obsession with saving everything i think is cool in a mary poppins-bag style folder.

OH and some ÜBER exciting news. today i got a new toy- a wacom bamboo tablet. OH SUCH FUN!

sorry for polluting your poor minds with such audio and visual drool. I couldn't help myself. feel free to flick through the model snaps to clear your mind and sooth your soul. serenading beautiful people always seems to cheer me up!