Saturday, September 17, 2011



Alice Euphemia are currently running a competition, which asks alice lovers to create a funky collage out of images from the spring/summer catalogue. Entrants post these beautiful creations on the Alice Euphemia Facebook page and rally up friends to LIKE LIKE LIKE! The person who can muster up the most votes will win a $1000 voucher to spend at Alice, which, is pretty much my fashion fantasy.

I mean my creative juices were literally overflowing with enthusiasm when I flicked through their aforesaid catalog and......
Being a sucker for all things alice, (and in a procrastinating moment trying to avoid my much overdue assignments), I created a collage and entered in this fab competition.

Now, with less than 2 weeks left in the competition, I am feeling the pressure and excitement build. I am currently winning (YAY!) but can feel the other contestants breath, heavy and increasing in volume, gathering behind me!

So, without further floral language and eye-gauging clichés, I ask you, my lovely readers (....awkward because I don't really know if anyone actually reads my posts.....butttt.... never-the-less...) to show some LOVE and LIKE my collage!

Here it is......

This is how you can help:

Head on onto the Alice Euphemia Facebook page and LIKE the page itself.
Then...... you can LIKE my collage, which is in and amongst the other entries in "Fan Photos"

Just follow the links if this sounds too bamboozle-ingly tech-savvy. Don't worry, I myself am still marvelling at the tech-nech-beck-weck wackiness of the internet.

Okay enough chit-chat my lovers......

1 comment:

  1. we read your posts Gabby!!!
    We love your blog, love your collage and all we can say is:
