Monday, January 16, 2012


Well check this out bébs! I have been busy busy busy!

The other day a friend (hey there béb!) mentioned that she was going to hold a stall at her local church to sell off some of her own clothes.
Of course any mention of a stall or selling has me jumping about excitedly (yes, admittedly I was one of those maniac–marketing children, selling lemonade, homemade salads and jewellery to anyone who would listen!) so you can imagine my delight when she said I could join her!

The initial idea was that we would sell all our old clothes in an attempt to make some much needed money, but then my creative side (pretty sure I only have a creative side) took over.

And so, what have I been doing today? SEWING OF COURSE! Sewing the only things I know how– funky patterned bike shorts!

I mean who wouldn't want a pair of these bébés! I absolutely live in my four or five pairs.

The stall isn't until February, so I have plenty of time for further sewing.
My current ideas include cute little dog coats, epic necklaces and perhaps some funky leggings to match the funky shorts.

Watch this space for more excitement, and more details regarding when and where I will be selling!

adios amigos!

p.s. i have finally joined the instagram club– and yes it is fab, yes you should join and yes you should follow me. My username is Gab-gab-gaby (i mean, what else would it be!!!)


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