Monday, October 31, 2011

monday morning discoveries

So, i realise that it isn't morning anymore– but sometimes I wish the morning would last the entire day. There is something so inspiring, fresh and lovely about mornings, which seems to fade as the afternoon makes itself known.
This morning I handed in a whole wad of assignments, which I have been working tiresomely over for the last week. I actually loved working on them, and feel almost sad to see them go– they were like my little gems, glistening pools of collaborated inspiration and aspirations. I felt so proud taking them into uni this morning and genuinely love the outcomes.
Isn't it lovely when things turn out the way you imagined they would. It doesn't often happen, but when it does, it makes all the hard work and effort seem oh-so worth it. I nurtured my ideas from conception to final production, and what came out of it was two beautifully concise and polished projects.
It is not often that I can speak like this about my work, and it feels lovely to be able to do so.
Lovely seems to be the word of the day. Everything is just so....... lovely!

And so, this brings me to my two lovely discoveries. In my morning browsing, (which actually occurred in the afternoon) I stumbled across two little gems; a little blog called Five words tell a story, and a gorgeous piece of visual merchandising by the lovely (there it is again!) Arnsdorf.

Here is the mantra from Five words- such a lovely idea....
Five Words Tell a Story is the love child of two girls, with too many ideas and no spare time. The premise is simple. Bring a situation or message to life in merely five words, daily.
Easy, right? We'll soon find out...
And of course, some of their five-word creations. I can just imagine how many of these will pop up on tumblr.... the messages are just so sweet and heart felt.

And now the Arnsdorf project:
I cannot express just how much I love everything about this. I am determined to get my hands on one of those divine brochures– not to mention my lust for one of the actually pieces of clothing. I have a feeling that the former goal is slightly more within reach than the latter...

And just before I sign off, a little mention of my goregous Anonymous reader. Thankyou for your lovely comments...I will endeavour to write here more often.

Okay, until soon my lovelies!

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