Sunday, May 27, 2012

remember that one time...on horse camp?

^Direct quote from this girl in year nine, who ranted for literally the whole year about "that time" on "horse camp". I never went on the bloody horse camp. Probably because I freakin' hate horses. I quite honestly didn't give a damn about what she did on that lame frolicking, hair flicking, pony neighing adventure. I do however have all the time in the world for the relaying of gluten-y experiences from fellow coeliac sufferers. 

Let me explain...

...I was traipsing the net like a frolicking pony when i stumbled, awkwardly, galloped, then fell over this damn-freakin-amazing (words-cannot-describe) tumblr. I neighed like a pony who just sucked the hellium out of a balloon, ran around my room and laughed until my buttocks were bruised from all the bopping in my chair. Then I posted it on Facebook.

Anyway, it is called When I Went Gluten Free and basically describes life as a Coeliac-suffering individual. It makes me laugh so much– in a way that only other Gluten-haters are permitted to. I feel like I have this special connection with the creator....what a babe

Here are some of my favourite posts...but seriously, they are all epic so take a look for yourself :)

When I remember to bring a Gluten-free snack on the Airoplane...

When I see the price of Xanthum gum...

When I see the price of my grocery bill...

When I'm walking out of a restaurant because there is nothing gluten-free on the menu...

When I have to list my food allergies to the doctor...

When someone asks for a bit of my gluten free meal...

When I remember to bring my gluten-free soy sauce to the sushi bar...

When someone tells me they went Gluten-free for a week...

When I'm walking past a bakery...

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